Another thing I love about Guanajuato is el Callejón del Beso. There are lots of really skinny little alleys in Guanajuato and there is a legend that a girl from a wealthy family fell in love with a poor miner. They were forbidden to see each other so he rented the apartment on the other side of the alley from her house and they would meet at night and kiss while standing on the balcony of each lovers' side of the alley. Of course the story ends tragically, but v. romantic nonetheless. I love it. There are so many alleys in fact, that there is actually a verb here for people who are just walking around or hanging out in the alleys: callejoneando. And there are students (estudiantinas) who do shows walking around in the alleys singing for tips and people follow them all through the city. So at night all you can hear are men singing from about 6 to 11. It is an awesome tradición. You should go there.
But of course, the craziest thing about Guanajuato is el Museo de las Momias (The Mummy Museum...or Mommy Museum according to the terrible English translations.) It's really quite creepy because when the family of the deceased can't pay the taxes on the burial plo