It's summer vacation in Pachuca, Mexico. It feels like everyday is Saturday. I have a little less than a month to relax and do whatever I want (although the number of pesos I currently have in my wallet is v. limiting).
Good thing I have Nolita to keep me entertained. She is constantly getting into mischief like: clawing apart unopened bags of bread. Knocking over my plants. Sticking her face in my food when I am trying to eat. Meowing like a banshee at 6 am. Also she is a biter. At this moment she is pulling clothes off of their hangers in my closet. Cute.
Good thing I have Nolita to keep me entertained. She is constantly getting into mischief like: clawing apart unopened bags of bread. Knocking over my plants. Sticking her face in my food when I am trying to eat. Meowing like a banshee at 6 am. Also she is a biter. At this moment she is pulling clothes off of their hangers in my closet. Cute.
Spoke to mom today. She fell when she was running and broke her nose. I have so many qualities like my dad, but I must admit falling on my face/hands/butt/knees/back is a trait I have gotten from her. Wasn't it just last month she dropped a bed frame and broke her foot? Good thing we aren't heavy drinkers. Hope her nose heals quickly.
Have a skype date with Nick and La Shawn (too bad Liam can't join). Wish the circumstances were happier ones. I just hope I can give Nick some comfort at such a difficult time. I never met his mom, but I am sure she was a wonderful woman. Anyone who reads this blog please keep Nick and his family in your prayers. LOVE YOU NICK!!!
Today would have been Josh Sturgill's 25th birthday. I have been thinking about him a lot today. I wonder what he would be doing now if he were here?
I love the summer. I love being able to take naps whenever I want. Stay up as late as I want. Drink micheladas all day. Tonight Marlies and I are going for tacos and renting a movie. Tomorrow party in Real del Monte. Hooray for summer vacation! Hooray for micheladas! Hooray for Mexico! Hooray for chick flicks in English with Spanish Subtitles!
"Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows fall behind you."- Maori Proverb
Me: I'm starting a blog.
Adam: Well aren't you hip?
Me: I have nothing else to do. Which stands to reason that the blog will probably not be very interesting.
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